"The siberians"
The theme of "Siberians" is very often and even constantly utilised in 19th century Polish Art. Five
successive independency wars were lost and followed by deportation of patriotic families to Siberia. One calls
the deported people "Siberians".
In 1989 Poland recovered as in 1918 its sovereignty. The last deportation must be remembered as one about which
it was forbidden to talk and even dangerous to think about during the prosovietic power.
The open newspaper is the well known sovietic "PRAVDA" ("The truth") and the date of 1940 drawn
on the back wall indicate which Siberians it is question of in fact the Soviet Union was associated with Hitler
from 1939 to 42 and considered the Polish people of the annexed territory as the defeated enemy.
The 1940 deportations took away the artist's family.
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"Sybiracy" -
Temat "Sybiracy" jest czestym, a nawet stalym tematem w sztuce polskiej 19-go wieku.
Piec powstan zakonczylo sie porazka i zeslaniem na Sybir rodzin patriotow-
Zeslancow na Sybir nazywa sie krotko : "Sybiracy"
Na przolomie 1989-1990 Polska odzyskuje, jak w 1918 roku suverennosc. Trzeba wiec przypomniec ostatnia deportacje,
ta o ktore nie wolno bylo mowic i nawet pamietac pod wladza pro-sowiecka.
Gazeta rozlozona " PRAWDA" sowiecka i data " 1940" na scianie wskazuja o ktorych "Sybirakow"
Rzeczywiscie, Zwiazek Radziecki byl w asocjacji z Hitlerem w latach 1989-1942 i uwazal Polakow na terytoriach ktore
anektowal, za pokonanych wrogow.
Deportacje z 1940 roky objely rodzine artysty.
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