" Charon's boat "
According to greek mythology Charon is a divinity who is in charge of carring souls to the next world.
In the boat we can see a passager who may be the Artist's mother. Hermes escorts three passengers, most probably
the father and sister of the Artist and the latter's daughter, all three died in 1942 during Stalin's deportation
to Kazakhstan.
(This interpretation has been given to us by the Artist's friends)
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"Lodz Charona"
Wedlug greckiej mitologii, Charon jest bozkiem ktory zajmuje sie przewozeniem dusz przez Styks na tamten swiat.
W jego lodzi zauwazamy jedna osobe, byc moze matke artysty. Hermes prowadzi trzy inne osoby, bardzo prawdopodobnie
ojca artysty, siostre i jei corke zmarlych na wywozie stalinowskim w kazachstanie.
Ta interpretacje otrzymalismy z otoczenia artysty.
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